Wednesday, January 14, 2009

India-Day 2

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I am not sure if that is enough to describe what I saw/experienced today. After an early morning flight from New Delhi to Jabalpur, David Lall and I drove to the second sacred or "mother" river after the Ganges, called Narmada. Today is one of many Hindu festivals where you go to the mother river for a "holy dip." This dip is to cleanse you of your sins for another year. Also, Madhya Pradesh, the state that Jabalpur is in, has a strict non conversion law. To convert you have to go through a bunch of legal hoops. Last year, David and Nokilall were reminded of the true meaning behind this festival. It was originally to commemorate Bilirajah, "the sacrifice king". Legend has it that Bilirajah was sacrificed for his people. I could go on for hours as to how God is using this "sacrifice king" legend in India. I truly believe what God started centuries ago was "for just a time as this" to quote the book of Esther.

Well, David and Nokilall have been encouraging these new converts to go to the river for their dip, but to do it this time in the name of Jesus Bilirajah (Jesus the sacrifice king). It is a loophole in this non-conversion law!!!!! Amazing! So over 3000 were "dipped" today in the name of Jesus! And they just blended in with the rest of 250,000 that were estimated to be at this river today. I have to admit, it was truly overwhelming. The sights, the sounds, the crowds, the smells. I couldn't tell who was ours and who was theirs. It truly was not the traditional church route...but to me was probably more like it was in the early church. Chaotic and exciting.
I have to admit I have mixed feelings about what I witnessed today. First of all, it was amazing in the fact of the commitment these people had to do this...we passed thousands and thousands who walked 10-20 miles to do this. They also came by train, bus, tractor, wagon, bicycle, rickshaw, auto rickshaw, motorcycle. It was amazing to see stream after stream of people who came to take a "holy dip." And in the midst of all this pandemonium, at 20 different sites along the river, over 3000 became new creations in Christ Jesus. At one site, Nokilall oversaw the "dippings" of over 800. He reminded each and everyone of them, that this year it was different. It wasn't a work to please a god or Brahman priest. This year it was about the grace of Jesus the sacrifice king. It was a matter of the heart, not a ritualistic dip to do repeatedly every year. Most of these had already accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but because of the non-conversion law, they hadn't yet been baptized. But because of a loophole, they were today.
On the plane I had listened to Rob's worship album. One of my favorites that I listen to over and over, is Majesty of Grace. Those words have never rang so true as they did today. Thanks Rob for your inspired words. 3000 received a new name today--from India's outcaste to child of God. But also, all the others, left today still captive to a false religion that shows no love, no mercy and no grace (no chance of salvation) in this life for the untouchables. They have not yet tasted and they have not seen the truth and beauty of his face, the majesty of grace. And that saddened me as we left. But God wasn't done with me today.
Tonight, David and I drove into the slums of Jabalapur. It is right in the middle of the "milatant Hindu playground" as David calls it. There has been alot of trouble in this area. David carried his gun, I wrapped up in a shawl to cover my graying hair, white skin and American clothing. We walked into the slums under the cover of darkness...not saying anything in English to tip someone off. I have to admit I was a bit nervous, but it was totally worth it. We worshipped with a house church that my friend Nanu (Smiley as I call him) started. These people have absolutely nothing. I mean NOTHING! The house we met in consisted of one room, one bed spring, no mattress, and 4 kids, a mom and dad live there. But these believers have "tasted and have seen the beauty of his face." And tonight they talked about the grace they have found. They shared of the joy that Christ has brought them. They really want for nothing. They have found sufficiency in the "Sacrifice King." I left there reminded that we all are on a life's journey seeking the truth, and when we find it, it sets us free indeed. That time of worship was soooo sweet and pure. Thanks be to God for safety, and for today's memories. I wish I could have shared it with you, because mere words will fail the true gift of today!
NOTE: The remainder of the team arrives Saturday and WILL NOT be traveling into the slums of Jabalapur for obvious saftey reasons.

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