Wednesday, January 14, 2009

India--day 1

Day One--Interviews for Book

Today I will start interviewing for the book that David Lall, our missionary from India, will write together. The basis for the book is writing down some of these amazing spiritual journeys that we have witnessed firsthand. The story for me started 3 years ago when Tricia, Johnathan, Brad and I met with David, Nokalall, Nanu, and three others. This movement in Jabalpur and surrounding area started with these men. The next year I got to pour into 75 house church leaders. This year, at last count, these men have started 150-170 house churches. The largest is running around 150, but most are averaging 40-75 each. I will interview Nokalall and group in a couple of days. Today I am interviewing 6 leaders in the New Delhi area. They are the ones that witnessed to Nokalall and started him on his God-ordained path of Social Activism.

I won't give you too much detail of these men's'll have to read the book for that information:)! I met with Sunil Sardar, (second from left) whose brainchild this new Truthseeker movement was. You could see his passion for his countrymen and the hurt and weight he feels for the people because they have only been told the lies of Hinduism/Brahmanism. When they hear of the empowerment and freedom in Christ, it is very appealing to them. Dinesh Kumar (second from right) was an absolute joy to talk with. He is in his 60's, a former tax commissioner, and is a new babe in Christ. To see his zeal and fire for Christ is refreshing. Braj Mani (far left) is a very intelligent young man. He is a twice published author and former Times of India reporter and columnist. He is quite the wordsmith. He has offered to help David and I as we begin this writing task. Braj and Ramesh Gautam (not pictured) are both former Buddhists. It was interesting to hear of their plight as a religious minority (and still are!) The last two were caste leaders, K.K. Vaid (far right) and Shiv Kumar (center). Shiv is a leader of the shepherd caste. We had an awesome exchange about Jesus as our Shepherd and also as the lamb of God. More on these men to come.

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