Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 2 Update

We got to sleep in until 7am, breakfast at 8am and we hit the road by 9am. We drove from Antigua to the Tecpan Mayan Ruins. Impressive! Such building knowledge so long ago. Such knowledge lost to the world. The current Mayan´s pilgrimage each Monday to this site for ¨Blessings Day.¨ Again, my ignorance, as to the fact that the Mayan religion is still being practiced. Alot of the Mayan religion has meshed with Catholicism. Incense, icons, candles, flowers, etc. But the gods being prayed to are very different!

After the ruins, we headed for lunch where most of us took our own turn trying to make ¨gordito¨corn tortillas...its alot harder than it looks...the masa likes to stick to your hands. Thank goodness I never saw one of those, I would have passed. The meal was good, chicken, potatoes, tomatoes and goat cheese (we think...). After we left the restaurant, we headed toward Chichicastenango. We soon turned off the good roads and the adventure began. Less than an hour outside Chichi, there was a huge traffic jam. It seems there was a group of protesters blocking the road. They were protesting getting plastic driver`s licences...they preferred the old paper kind that you had to update often. Finally they gave up due to rain and the traffic started moving. We made good use of the down time playing cards, napping, playing scrabble (of which Mark won the game!) Therefore we arrived in Chichi quite later than we expected. We caught a quick dinner, chicken again, and then had our devotions and headed off to bed.

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